- $398.6M to Bring 1,000 New Green, Good Paying Jobs to the Mon Valley
- $150M to Provide More Reliable, Convenient, and Faster Bus Transit
- $143M Infrastructure Grant for Passenger Rail between Pittsburgh and Harrisburg
- $142M Infrastructure Grant to Make Major Safety and Traffic Mitigation Improvements to the I-376 Parkway and Martin Luther King Jr. East Busway
- $52.4M to Replace Lead Service Lines Ensuring Access to Safe, Clean Water
- $50M to Revitalize Affordable Housing at Bedford Dwellings
- $34.6M to help Pittsburgh Lead the Way in Space Exploration
Additional $32.1M to Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority to Continue Aggressive Removal of Lead Pipes - $28M to Make Regional Transit Accessible for Individuals with Disabilities
- $20M to Reduce Automobile Fatalities
- $19.7M to Deliver the Largest-Ever Investment to Lower Energy Bills
- $11.2M Infrastructure Investment for Airports to Improve Safety, Transition to Clean Energy & Create Thousands of Good Paying Jobs.
- $10M to Help Small Manufacturers Build the Green Technologies They Need
- $4.9M to Fuel Scientific Discovery and Train an Expert Workforce
- $1.8M to Monitor & Combat Harmful Levels of Air Pollution to Protect Our Communities
- $1.4M to Reconnect Pittsburgh’s North Side Neighborhood
- $1.2M to Expand Diaper Distribution Networks for Over 2,000 Children in Allegheny and Westmoreland County
- $330,000 to Combat Hunger and Strengthen Local & Regional Food Systems
- $371,000 to Build Composting Systems in Underserved Neighborhoods
- $190,000 to Protect Our Communities and Children from Toxic Lead Exposure
- Passed Through Committee $10.7M in Community Project Funding By Committee to Help With Food Assistance, Educate on Antisemitism, Build Affordable Housing, Rebuild Infrastructure, and So Much More
- Introduced The Hazard Pay for Health Care Workers Act to Raise Hazard Pay & Strengthen Protections for Health Care Workers
- Coordinated Roundtables to Combat Food Insecurity with Local Food Banks
- Passed an Amendment to Protect Children’s Health by Increasing Funding for Testing and Remediation of Lead Contamination at Schools and Child Care Facilities
- Partnered with Gov. Josh Shapiro on No-Cost Breakfast for Students, Increasing Teacher Pay, Improving Access to STEM Education and Developing our Workforce
- Hosted Health and Human Services Secretary Becera for a Community Roundtable on Lowering Health Care Costs for Seniors
- Organized a Small Business Roundtable to Discuss Financing Resources for Small Businesses Manufacturing Here in PA
- Introduced and Passed Through Committee the Bipartisan Abandoned Well Remediation Act – Which Passed Through the Science, Space and Technology Committee With a Bipartisan Vote
- Co-Led introducng the OLIGARCH Act to Stop Billionaires from Cheating the System on the Backs of Hardworking Families
- Stood Up for Our Workers from our Hospitals to Railroads, Airports and Newsrooms
Summer Lee on the Issues
Environmental Justice
On any given day, our region suffers from some of the poorest air quality in the nation.
Environmental Justice
In Congress I will fight for a Green New Deal to transition to a 100% clean and renewable energy economy.
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Economic Justice & Union Jobs
Right now, our economy works for the wealthy few and corporations at the expense of the working poor.
Economic Justice & Union Jobs
It’s time we center working people in our economic policies.
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Justice Reform
Mass incarceration is the antithesis of building stronger families and communities.
Justice Reform
It’s time for a shift from investing in ineffective, punitive systems to investing in our future.
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Summer Lee on the Issues
Environmental Justice
On any given day, our region suffers from some of the poorest air quality in the nation.
Environmental Justice
In Congress I will fight for a Green New Deal to transition to a 100% clean and renewable energy economy.
Learn More
Economic Justice & Union Jobs
Right now, our economy works for the wealthy few and corporations at the expense of the working poor.
Economic Justice & Union Jobs
It’s time we center working people in our economic policies.
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Justice Reform
Mass incarceration is the antithesis of building stronger families and communities.
Justice Reform
It’s time for a shift from investing in ineffective, punitive systems to investing in our future.
Learn More
Take Action
Join our people-powered campaign to send Summer to Congress.